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I have searched high and low to find the most companion planting tips i could find .Im posting them here for my own reference and to help you if your interested ,please feel free to print out this page if you need to.
Companion planting is a way to let nature take its course,and still be able to help your garden.There are tons of organic growing tips out there but for me this has worked better than almost anything else.You will have to try a little expiramenting in your own garden to see what works best for you .Here is a list of some of the plants that like each other and help to keep pests off one anouther.Plant these plants together in your garden and see what wonderful results you will get.

List of companion Plants
Beans like Nasturtiums but dont like onions,chives,garlic.
Cabbage,Broccolie,and Cauliflower, like sage,pennyroyal,Mints,Oregano,and Parsley
they dislike Tomatoes.
Carrots like onions,Feverfew
they dislike parsnips.
Peas like beans but
dislike onions,chives,garlic.
Tomatoes like Borage,Basil,Parsley,Marigolds,lettuce,squash,and
they dislike cabbage.
cucumbers like corn,and beans.
Chamomile likes cabbage,and onions.
catnip likes eggplant.
dill likes cabbage but hates carrots.
no plants like fennel.
horseradish loves potatoes.
rosemary likes cabbage,carrots,and sage but
dislikes cucumbers.
Thyme likes cabbage.
Beets like bush beans,lettuce,onions,and cabbage but
dislikes pole beans and mustard.
cabbage likes celery,dill,onions,potatoes but
dislikes,tomatoes,pole beans,and strawberries.
carrots like,leaf lettuce,radishes,onions,tomatoes,
they do not like dill.
corn likes pumpkin,peas,beans,cucumbers,and potatoes but
they do not like tomatoes.
cucumbers like corn,peas,radishes and sunflowers
they do not like aromatic herbs or potatoes.
lettuce likes onions,carrots,radishes,and chives.
onions like lettuce,beets,tomatoes,and strawberries
they do not like peas or beets.
squash likes radishes,cucumbers and corn.
mint and basil will keep mosquitoes away.