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On these pages we will try to show you some pictures and tell about our family adventures of backpacking.Some things we will show here are going to be very funny to any seasoned backpacker,but thats just the point,we hope you have a good laugh and see where we came from and where we are going.
We hope to tell you some about each trail that we have hiked and provide maps and other important info too,in case you would ever like to hike some of the same trails.

NOW DONT LAUGH TO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was Bill on our very first backpacking adventure.we had no backpacking gear then so we decided to hike with all our old camping gear.about a hundred lbs worth.this gear included a canvas 5 man tent, a real bed mattress,a colman 2 burner camping stove ,canned foods to eat and a cast iron skillet.we hiked 2 miles in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park to campsite number 18 on the map.we had a Great time by the way and have been going hiking ever since.

Bill Andy and Nathan on one of our first hikes
we really want you to notice the small cooler hanging around Andys neck and the bucket hanging from Bills pack (that was my porta-potty)These pictures were taken in 1997


This is my photopoint page with more pictures.http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=132958